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Web stranica je pogodna za Rent-a-Car 
I za druge sadržaje kojima je potrebne za istu

Možete dodati neograničen broj Auta
Neograničen broj slika po ponudi.
Dodavanje auta trecih lica
Puna kontrola nad stranicom
Puna kontrola i uvid nad rezervacijama.

SEO optimizacija
Statistika posjećenosti
Zaštitu za vašu web stranicu od hakera i zlonamjernih softvera.


  1. Blog
  2. Kontak forma
  3. Galeriju
  4. Booking


  1. Multi pages site
  2. Rent-a-Car
  3. Web Shop
  4. Mobilna verzija

Welcome to Hostinza Privacy Policy

  1. Hi there, we’re Hostinza Pty Ltd 2945 Hershell Hollow Road, Seattle, Washington, 98109 (“Hostinza”) and welcome to our privacy policy. This policy sets out how we handle your personal information if you’re an Hostinza user or visitor to our Sites. It applies across Hostinza Elements, Hostinza Market, Hostinza Studio, Hostinza Sites, Hostinza Hosted (the “Sites”).
  2. When we say ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘Hostinza’ it’s because that’s who we are and we own and run the Sites.
  3. If we say ‘policy’ we’re talking about this privacy policy. If we say ‘user terms’ we’re talking about the rules for using each of the Sites. The rules vary by product and each product makes them separately available and seeks consent to them separately to this policy.

The type of personal information we collect

  1. We collect certain personal information about visitors and users of our Sites.
  2. The most common types of information we collect include things like: user-names, member names, email addresses, IP addresses, other contact details, survey responses, blogs, photos, payment information such as payment agent details, transactional details, tax information, support queries, forum comments, content you direct us to make available on our Sites (such as item descriptions) and web analytics data. We will also collect personal information from job applications (such as, your CV, the application form itself, cover letter and interview notes).

How we collect personal information

  1. We collect personal information directly when you provide it to us, automatically as you navigate through the Sites, or through other people when you use services associated with the Sites.
  2. We collect your personal information when you provide it to us when you complete membership registration and buy or provide items or services on our Sites, subscribe to a newsletter, email list, submit feedback, enter a contest, fill out a survey, or send us a communication.

Garancija kvalitete

Dugogodišnje iskusvo u izradi Web stranica, garancija je kvalitete

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